Total Medals Earned: 2,519 (From
630 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 33,060 Points
Complete the game in easy mode
Complete level "Hour of Execution" in Hard mode
Complete level "Monster Within" in Hard mode
Complete level "Resident Evil" in Hard mode
Complete level "The Bright Past" in Hard mode
Complete level "The Death of the Hero" in Hard mode
Complete level "The New Misdoer" in Hard mode
Complete level "The Obscure Present" in Hard mode
Complete level "The Time Has Come" in Hard mode
Complete level "The Way to Aim" in Hard mode
Complete level "Time to Fight" in Hard mode
Complete the game in medium mode
Complete the game in hard mode
You're getting the hang of this...
You've seen all of the hats...
You've completed the world tour twice, nice!
You clicked on Edmund's face 36,000 times. Good for you.
Eat 100 animals.
Eat 10 yeti.
Eat 200 elves.
Eat 20 flying spaghetti.
Take out Santa!
Get over 100 combo.
Eat something tasty.
Eat 100 cows.
Eat 200 Nyan Cats.
Destroy a UFO.
Take down a jumbo jet.
Fully evolve and beat all the levels.
Get over 100 combo.
Ouch. You took an arrow straight to the neckery.
Yeowch. You took a nasty arrow to the stomachial region.
You found the baseball bat!
You've earned extra kupo!
You found the fanboy hoodie! It's from your favorite game of all time!
You caught a giant fist to the face... and exploded. True story.
You got the Soul Bangle dude! Now you can throw blue fireballs! Hadoken!
You've found a way to get the Steel Sword! Congratulations!
The bat that you found has turned into a wooden sword!
You got split into two by a bandit elf! Crap!
You found the hidden skull!
Start the game... press the play button.
You beat the crap out of that bandit elf! Yeesh...
You found the dead blue bird!
You killed a Gobblo with the wooden sword!
You found the Goober action figurine!
You failed to block an incoming vertical slash... tsk, tsk...
You used the jumping spin attack on that blondie of a bandit elf! Good work.
You used an ultra-powerful, double spin slash to decimate the bandit elf who deserved it!
The Ogre grabbed you and squeezed you until you went "pop"
The bandit threw a knife at you and gotcha right through the heart!
Looks like you TRIED to block, buuuut..... yeeeaaahhh....
You found the video game controller!
You found the magical shrunken head!
You got impaled by a Gobblo's arrow!
The kitchen knife that you found has turned into the battle dagger! Shweet!
You got yourself some bombs! Now, let's go blow s**t up!
You got impaled by a bandit elf's thrown sword! Deadly!
You used the Soul Bangle to send a powerful blast of blue energy at an unlucky bandit elf.
You chucked a bomb at a bandit and blew his guts all over the place!
You said, "Screw it!" and threw your dagger at a bandit's face! Shweet!
You electrocuted a bandit elf via a Super Pretendo controller!
You stuck a dangerously sharp dagger into the fleshy face of an outclassed bandit elf... Nicely done.
You found the only way to die in scene 1!
You made the Gobblo enemy shoot himself in the face! Cool!
Kill the Gobblo with the Battle Dagger!
Dude.... You so shouldn't have made Hobart mad, dude.
You killed yourself using an immensely heavy rock!
Whoah... Don't you think that was a bit... uh, overkill? It was entertaining though.
Sooo, yeah, you should try blocking sometime....
You found the knife!
You found bird poop! Yay!
You freakin' beat the freakin' game! Holy moly!
You've defeated the Ogre! Holy crap!
It appears you're dead.
Are you upset?
But CuddleBear just wanted a hug...
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat a miniboss !
Beat your first boss !
Destroy 10 Turret Troopers
Kill 10 Cyber Dino
Dodge 15 drills on stage 2
Kill 15 Troopers
Buy your first gun in the upgrade shop !
Kill the Miniboss of Stage 2
Complete a stage and get your first medal.
Use 2 stats points or more in every Skill
Destroy 5 Axes while they're in mid-air
Kill 10 Eskimo Hunter
Buy 3 Guns in the upgrade shop !
Kill 10 Laser Beam Ship
Kill 10 Invaders on stage 4
Kill 15 Spider Mines
Kill the Miniboss of Stage 4
Kill Stage 3's miniboss
Kill Stage 2's boss
Get a Silver medal !
Max your Income skill
Beat 3 bosses !
Buy ALL Guns in the upgrade shop.
Max your Jump skill
Max your Reload skill
Max your Health skill
Get a Gold Ribbon Medal !
Obtain the Golden Gun !
Get Gold Ribbons for all Stages !
Buy 5 Guns in the upgrade shop !
Get to Level 12
Beat all 4 bosses and complete the game !
Unlock the Bank.
Earn $1,000.
Unlock the Strong Magnet.
Unlock the Cash Box.
Make money just by sitting there.
Earn $10,000.
Earn way more money than the minted value of the coins.
Let your bank do all the work.
Earn $1,000,000.
Buy the final upgrade.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
We need robots
Doesn't like people
Out of luck
Are we getting nervous?
You're too good for us
Too smart
Not sincere enough
What about counting flyers?
We don't have a budget for missing persons
You've already had those
Slay the tentacle beast.
Slay the giant slime.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Slay the sentinel.
Slay the giant robot.
Slay the Pokemanz.
Slay your undead god.
Beat the game on Normal difficulty.
Beat the game on Epic difficulty.
Beat the game on Hard difficulty.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!